Azilane lodge, Talassemtane park, Morocco 2018.08 - #KB006 (source #BG001)
Deep inside Me,
I am the One and the Other
I am the One and the Other
my Nightmare

Tiskiwin (Bert Flint † 2022.11) museum, Marrakech, Morocco 2019.04 - #KB001 (source #BG006)

Rabat, Morocco 2023.11 - #KB002
who is She?
my november dream
my november dream
the Echoe of the Diva

The Lyon Dance Biennale, France 2008.09 - #KB003 (source #BE001)

Panay, Philippines 2023.12 - #KB004
the Man who
wanted to be just
a grain of rice
among other grains
wanted to be just
a grain of rice
among other grains
who is She???
my memories branch and loop
my memories branch and loop

Marrakech, Morocco 2019.04 - #KB005