'Novios del Mojón' Canarian/Guanche figurines(**) of the ritual of commitment to the union.

"ola como estas", La Santa beach, Lanzarote, Canaries 2025.02 - #QC001

(*)Radna, Anir: Berber first names chosen arbitrarily.
(**)The Guanches, in Berber ⵉⴳⵡⴰⵏⵛⵉⵢⵏ, Igwanciyen, pronounced "Igouinchiyène",
were an ethnic group and indigenous people of the Canary Islands.
They were the only Berbers who had not been Islamized.

"Mi nombre es Radna", Las Malvas beach, Lanzarote, Canaries 2025.02 - #QC002,013,014

Long before Spanish colonization,
the man acquired a male figurine, on which his sexual attributes are distinguished, and gave it to his beloved.

the Promise, La Santa beach, Lanzarote, Canaries 2025.02 - #QC003

If she accepted the relationship, he also offered her a figurine whose female sexual organs are also highlighted.

Radna and Anir for ever, La Santa beach, Lanzarote, Canaries 2025.02 - #QC004

From then on, the union was consented.

the Desire, La Santa beach, Lanzarote, Canaries 2025.02 - #QC005

the Fantasm, Las Malvas beach, Lanzarote, Canaries 2025.02 - #QC006

the Pleasure, La Santa beach, Lanzarote, Canaries 2025.02 - #QC007

the Enjoyment, Las Malvas beach, Lanzarote, Canaries 2025.02 - #QC008,009

the Satisfaction, La Santa beach, Lanzarote, Canaries 2025.02 - #QC010

La Roferta of Teseguite, Lanzarote, Canaries 2025.02 - #QC011

"Adiós", La Santa beach, Lanzarote, Canaries 2025.02 - #QC012

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